Friday 28 March 2008

You know i`ll change, if change is what you require. Your every wish... your every dream, hope, desire.

I've been thinking about those smug updates that people send out at christmas time to friends and family. Some people like to mock them up into Newspaper Articles. For example "Extra Extra, read all about it! Smith Family wish one and all a Happy Christmas" And then the "article" will be set out in newspaper format. So EG: "In January, Doug got another promotion, so now we're millionaires and you're not." Etc etc.

We have family that actually do this and so called family friends. Its so SMUG. And cringey. And there are normally pictures of their blooming children as well.

I'm gonna send one out next year. "Extra Extra, read all about it. Leanne Diggins doesn't actually GIVE a fuck." Then the "article" will say "In January Leanne got chucked. Life's ACE! Here is a picture of Leanne all drunk and threatening."

Great days.

When I see pictures of me smoking I feel well weird. I'm so glad I've given up. But honestly there hasn't been enough "hack-age" I am sure the tar's just hanging out on my lungs. Does anyone know of good hacking techniques? Comment please.

So I met heather last night as planned in the local and we had a marvellous time as ever. Our friend Sarah Lavis is having a FESTIVAL this year as part of her birthday plans. We're all going to camp out in a field and there will be a marquee and tents and all sorts! FINALLY I can get some photos of me and my friends horsing around and looking all cool next to tents like so many others on Facebook.

So tonight tiz drinks in Camden and Sunday I have lady friends coming over for some roast lamb action. Needless to say my diet isn't going too well at present. Looks like I'm going to have to leave my Weight Watchers class and start at a new one so as to avoid the dsisappointed face of my WW's leader. I think I'll join the Camden one - then I can go with my mate Sarah. Its in Plender Street where prostitutes were found in the bin a few years back.

And finally, my face still feels all tight. I think I should stop wearing make-up for a while - but now I'm in the habit of caring how I look, it will be tough to go back to sporting the MOON FACE look. Hmmmm...

Have a lovely weekend.

1 comment:

Kerry101Keys said...

Check out your massive smoke rings in that pic - see smoking is sooooo cool!