Mmmm I love it so. After messing about on Itunes for long enough they've kindly selected a list for me to choose from. It's called "just for you". For me? Really? And some of them are totally great, but some are just silly. Like they selected a Blacklace one for me, just cause I downloaded "Superman" for my Dance Off freestyle at my birthday. Got some classics I thought I'd lost like "Neverending Story" by Limahl. Great track, gonna play it Sunday on my radio show (listen! 10am-12pm-ish)
Who loves the new Virgin Adverts? Me! I do. Yay! Good old Virgins.
I've created a GROUP on Facebook. My first ever one. It's called Catface Comedy and I would love you all to join. Please join! There are photo's and information and photo's and a video of me fatting about so get involved.
So far I have 99 people in it and I'd like the list to get up to over 200 at least so if you read this blog (in secret) but would like to support me, please join the group. Funks.
I met my good pal Heather (Hevver Bevver) and we were meant to go to Pizza Express but Heather wanted to meet in our usual pub in Greenwich - so instead we did just that. 5 pints later there was no sign of a Pizza or an Express. There was however a very agreeable kebab shop. The thing is, I joined Weight Watchers on Tuesday and I'm determined to shift this flab. But just look what I did last night! What a nob. Why didn't you have more willpower Leanne? I don't know Leanne. I mean, perhaps we worked off some of the kebab when we came back to my house and did disco dancing but to be honest we were only doing side-steppy moves cause we were chatting and putting the world to rights.
Heather and I like to make up slogans for T-Shirts. Our latest one would be "Sooty say, it's ok." And then on the back would be the teddy puppet sooty shrugging and saying "hey, it's ok."
What a twat Charles is. I wanted to like the Royal's I really did but time and time again they're doing and saying the most wanky things. I just can't like them. Dicks.
My knee hurts today for NO reason. Stupid knee. Talking of stupid knee's the DLR (Dockland's Light Railway) is actually making me want to blow up into a huge volcanic lava of rage. It's a train line that's essentially governed by a computer which keeps breaking. Fucks sake. The other day it terminated 3 train loads of people off at Mudchute! Mudchute! I ask you, the most baron, stuck in the middle of nowhere station that ever lived! Me and some old ladies did big, big moans together.
I called the London transport police because the platform was dangerously over crowded. THEN! THEN! When a train finally did turn up (45mins later) everyone went and bundled onto it, and I couldn't get on! I was in the first train load of people to be turfed off so had been waiting there the longest :-( So I went up to the train door and was like "Oy I was the first one turfed off and I can't even get on now!" (Guilty looks from all) I then said "Look you can move down can't you, Come on people GET INVOLVED!" And they all started laughing? and moved down. WOW! THen I was teetering right by the door and I said "If I go down this gap someone's getting done for murder." Again more laughter! How strange londoners are. Sometimes they almost seem human.
This week I'm feeling more jolly than last so that's good news. Catface Comedy has been booked proper now for the 11th March. The acts are Chris Martin, Andrew J Lederer, David Trent, Lee Brace and Luke McQueen. YAY. You should really put this date in your diary now. That's my advice anyway. Also please don't forget to listen into my radio show this sunday 10am - 12pm on makes all the difference when I know people are listening. Fanks.
Right bye.
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